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2023학년도 교육과정

학년 학기 이수
교과목명 영문명 학점 시수 혁신
이론 실습
1 1 교양 DHC-대학생활설계 DHC_College Life Design 1 1 0 1    
교양 DHC-글쓰기 DHC-Writing 2 1 1 2    
교양 선택교양   2 2 0 2    
전공 의사소통장애개론 Communication Disorders 3 3 0 3    
전공 특수교육학 Special Education 3 3 0 3    
전공 심리학개론 Introduction to Psychology 3 3 0 3    
전공 아동발달  Child Development  3 3 0 3  
전공 한국어문법 Korean Grammar 3 3 0 3    
2 교양 디자인씽킹과 문제해결 Problem Solving through Design Thinking 2 1 1 2    
교양 선택교양   2 2 0 2    
전공 언어발달 Language Development 3 3 0 3    
전공 언어기관해부생리 Anatomy and physiology Communication systems 3 3 0 3    
전공 청각학 Audiology 3 2 1 3    
전공 음성학 및 음운론  Phonetics & Phonology 2 2 0 2    
전공 놀이지도  Play Instruction 3 2 1 3    
전공 행동수정  Behavior Modification 2 1 1 2  
2 1 교양 창의적 문제해결 Creative Problem Solving 2 1 1 2    
교양 선택교양   2 2 0 2    
전공 언어재활관찰 Observation for Speech & Language Rehabilitation 3 0 3 3    
전공 언어발달장애 Language Developmental Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 조음음운장애 Articulation & Phonological Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 의사소통장애진단평가Ⅰ Diagnosis & Assessment in Communication Disorders Ⅰ 3 1 2 3    
전공 자폐범주장애언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Autism  3 2 1 3  
전공 다문화와 의사소통 Multiculture and Communication 2 2 0 2    
2 전공 언어진단실습 Practicum of Speech & Language Evaluation 3 0 3 3    
전공 신경언어장애 Neurogenic Communication Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 말운동장애 Motor Speech & Language Disorders 2 1 1 2    
전공 유창성장애 Fluency Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 문제행동언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Problem Behaviors 3 2 1 3    
전공 의사소통장애상담 Counseling Persons with Communication Disorders & Their Families  3 2 1 3    
전공 의사소통장애진단평가Ⅱ Diagnosis & Assessment in Communication Disorders Ⅱ 3 1 2 3  
3 1 전공 켑스톤디자인 Capstone Design 1 0 1 1    
전공 언어재활실습 Practicum of Speech & Language Rehabilitation 3 0 3 3    
전공 음성장애 Voice Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 학령기언어장애  Speech & Language Disorders of School age Children 3 2 1 3    
전공 구개열언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Cleft Palate 3 2 1 3    
전공 보완대체의사소통 Augmentative and Alternative Communication 3 2 1 3  
전공 노화와의사소통장애 Communication Disorders in Aging Adults 2 1 1 2    
전공 삼킴장애 Swallowing Disorders 2 1 1 2    
2 전공 언어재활현장실무 Practical Experience of Speech & Language Rehabilitation 3 0 3 3    
전공 뇌성마비언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy 3 2 1 3  
전공 청각장애언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Hearing Disorders 3 2 1 3    
전공 지적장애언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Intellectual Disabilities 3 2 1 3    
전공 학습장애언어재활 Speech & Language Rehabilitation of Learning Disabilities 3 2 1 3    
전공 말과학 Speech Science 2 1 1 2    
전공 의사소통장애연구방법론 Research Methodology of Communication Disorders 2 2 0 2